We met in grad school in Bismarck, ND, where we both received our MBAs. Rodney studied economics in undergrad at Carleton College in Minnesota, and Amy studied marketing at Tiffin University in Ohio. We grew up in different areas but have settled into Indy and love the area/city. We love spending time with our families and friends, playing golf when the weather is nice, and enjoying a day on the lake. We have increased our business savvy over the years from just being employees, to active real estate investors, to passive real estate lending, and we are excited to continue expanding our business ventures.
Why did Rodney make a career change?
The urge to own a business, the excitement and quality of the products and services that Spray-Net offers and a desire to work directly with homeowners to enhance their happiness through the improvement of their homes, has led to Rodney starting his Spray-Net franchise. He’s excited to provide a new quality service to the Indianapolis area and provide an enjoyable work environment for local employees.
Why will Rodney and Amy make a great franchise team?
We have set lofty goals for our lives and aren’t afraid to go against the norm. We want to build wealth, so we have the time and freedom to enjoy each other, our families, and the world, and we’d also like to pass down our knowledge, time, and wealth to others as we continue to build. We have a strong passion for helping people and providing high-quality customer service. Rodney is very business savvy and analytical, and Amy is the backbone of it all, keeping a positive outlook and providing much-needed support, encouragement, and ideas. We work well together as a team. Our goals revolve around having more time, financial freedom and the control to choose how we spend our time together in the future.
What were Rodney and Amy’s search criteria for finding the right franchise company?
Initially, we were looking for a passive investment but quickly realized the amount of work required. We narrowed it down to just a few, but Spray-Net quickly stood out as it is in an area of interest and an area we have experience in; plus, the business model just made too much sense, and the opportunity was too great to pass up.
Any tips on choosing the right time to take the leap into business ownership and leave the corporate world?
In my short time as a full-time business owner, I’ve learned that there is never a right time to make the leap. There are always 1,000 reasons not to do something, but having big goals can help overcome small obstacles that get in the way. If the timeline isn’t perfect (it won’t be), it just means you have to adapt and make quick decisions to continue to push your business forward towards your goals. There will be a rollercoaster ride – my rollercoaster may be more frequent than others given my analytical nature – but always remember what your goals are and try to push through. There is never going to be a right time.