Make today the day you secure your financial tomorrow

Setting mini goals is very important with starting any new project or task. Set reasonable expectations in the beginning.
Picture of Liz Leonard

Liz Leonard

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to make drastic changes in order to notice an improvement in the quality of your life. At the same time, you don’t need to wait a long time in order to see the measurable results that come from taking positive action. All you have to do is take small steps, and take them consistently for a few months. 

Starting a new project, a business, a personal goal, or a new adventure can be very exciting. The rush of adrenaline that we experience in the beginning is what keeps us up at night dreaming of success.

 Over time, we can sometimes find ourselves becoming distracted or even discouraged. This can happen for many reasons. It is important to recognize the distractions and to correct them quickly. 

Let’s discuss some of the reasons: 

The power of tiny goals.

Setting mini goals is very important with starting any new project or task. Set reasonable expectations in the beginning. Of course, shoot for the stars, dream big and never doubt yourself, but always, always celebrate the small successes. Because all those tiny successes add up to one huge success! 

Settling into a routine.

We are human and we are creatures of habit. Once we start to do the same thing over and over again we become comfortable with our routine. If your goal is to lose weight you have to switch up your workouts. If it is a business you are operating, you have to pivot on any given day to market changes etc.

Make sure that whatever you are doing, it is something that is going to help you grow, it is going to help you achieve those goals. And when you do find that you have achieved your initial goal, create a new one. Don’t ever find yourself getting too comfortable because that is when we lose sight of our actual dreams.

 In it to win it.

This can sometimes happen when you think you have hit your goal. This can be an exciting moment. You’ve reached that point where you feel like everything is running smoothly and you can actually relax. You can start to wonder and focus on other things in life. Don’t lose sight of what the initial goal was and write it down. Make sure to always stay on your game and never lose sight of the big picture. 

Words of caution.

If you are like me, you want to help everyone. Someone needs a favor or advice and they always come running to you. While this is a great attribute to have, make sure that you aren’t so focused on others and helping them achieve their goals that you lose sight of your own. Learn and accept that it is okay to say no.

You’ve got BIG plans, and you are going to make them happen! Just remember to stay on task and remember that what you do today will determine your tomorrow.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

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