Business owner or 9 to 5 job?

First and foremost, deciding to quit your current job is a process and doesn’t happen overnight. It’s an emotional and professional process of finding your true self and understanding what you really want. Perhaps your hobbies or professional skills could be pursued in a rewarding career.
Picture of Liz Leonard

Liz Leonard

One of the toughest decisions you will ever make is whether or not to leave a job. This is especially true when you dream of leaving your job to start your own business. Maybe you’re feeling stuck in your current job. Ideas of what your career could be are constantly entering your mind, but instead, you take the safe route and soldier on in your current situation. Making major life changes can be challenging, but making career changes requires a careful approach and trusted guidance.

Fear often keeps us rooted in our jobs because of all the unknowns. In your current job, there’s an assumed level of financial stability and full-time employment, albeit while benefiting another company. On the contrary, quitting a job is all about risk-taking and putting your own interests first—which could turn out to be absolutely fabulous or—without the right groundwork— disastrous. 

There is no easy path to making career changes, but here are a few practical tips to consider as you evaluate your situation and think about a transition to business ownership. 

It’s a process 

First and foremost, deciding to quit your current job is a process and doesn’t happen overnight. It’s an emotional and professional process of finding your true self and understanding what you really want. Perhaps your hobbies or professional skills could be pursued in a rewarding career. To better understand where you want to be, it’s important to evaluate your current job situation and understand what motivates you—and, more importantly, what does not. This will help you make meaningful decisions as you move forward in your process. 

Try it out 

Maybe you want to quit your job as a marketing manager and instead design websites for others. Before you quit your paying job, consider trying it out in your free time. Take online courses to cultivate your skills and learn the latest design trends. Once you are ready, get a freelance job and build your portfolio while you are still employed. This will help you transition into your new career, and also help determine whether your passion is viable or just a fantasy. 

Engage & connect 

Switching gears after years of building your career will present a variety of obstacles, some of which can be emotionally draining. To help counter this, create a support network before making major changes. Engage with people and ask for their feedback and guidance. These people may be friends and family who know you well but also connect with professionals who are experienced in the field you want to pursue. Find a mentor who will share their journey and inspire you. 

A strong foundation is key 

The experiences you’ve built upon, the relationships you’ve cultivated and the skills you’ve mastered have created the professional that you are today. Find a way to draw upon these proven skills and experiences because they are your foundation, and will always be there to ground you as you decide whether or not to leave your job and start a business. If you don’t want the challenges and uncertainties of building a business from scratch, there are also hundreds of successful proven systems in franchising. These franchise brands are built on a solid foundation of skills, experiences and proven business models. They have built-in training and support networks to allay many of the fears you have of quitting your job and owning your own business. 

I’d love to hear your story and be a coach who guides you through a wide range of established business options. I can help you determine if it is the right time for you to leave your job and we’ll look at the options if you decide to pursue your self-employment passion. My services are free and I’ve worked with hundreds of people just like you to guide them through this process. As a matter of fact, I know exactly what you are feeling at this point in your life—as my husband and I left corporate careers to pursue our passions and own several businesses. We made the choice to leave our jobs and we’ve never looked back!

One step at a time. Your journey begins here.

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