Are you at a crossroads in your life or career?

When searching for a franchise the best way to begin your search is with a List. NOT A LIST OF FRANCHISES, but rather a list of YOUR goals and objectives, likes and dislikes, skills and lifestyle requirements.
Picture of Liz Leonard

Liz Leonard

Many of us reach a point in our lives where we ask, am I on the right path? Is there another course I should be pursuing?

When searching for a franchise the best way to begin your search is with a List. NOT A LIST OF FRANCHISES, but rather a list of YOUR goals and objectives, likes and dislikes, skills and lifestyle requirements. This is what we call your Personal Business Model. We will work together to create YOUR model which will be reflective of your personal business goals and objectives. The most important thing to remember is that it is YOURS, you own it and you can change aspects of your model anytime you want! 

Our objective is not to convince you that franchise ownership is right for you, rather it is to provide you with enough information to make your own well-informed decision. 

Things happen in our lives that give us reason to reflect on where we are and where we want to be. Perhaps you had to call your spouse – again – to say you would not be home in time for dinner because you were stuck in traffic, had to attend a meeting that ran late, or simply had too much work piled on your desk. Or maybe you were once again forced to miss your child’s soccer game, or recital, or parent/teacher conference. Sometimes these questions surface when you recognize that the passion that you used to have for your work is no longer there. Or worse, you have been informed that your job and maybe even your career is in jeopardy due to mergers, layoffs or downsizing. 

Whatever the cause for reflection, it always leads to the same end. If not this, then what?

In the course of my career in franchising I have worked with hundreds of people who faced these kinds of moments in their lives, where they knew they had come to a fork in the road. I have been honored to work with people who sought my help and as a result, now own a business AND are home in time for dinner! 

The statements listed below were made by people who were embarking on the journey to become an entrepreneur. Do any of these comments resonate with you?

 I am worth more than I am being paid

  • There is little room for advancement in my company
  • I need to achieve balance between my work life and family time while my children are young
  • I want to re-discover a passion for what I do
  • I do not want limits placed on what I can make, and what I can build
  • I am tired of the corporate bureaucracy and company politics
  • I am not getting younger. If I am going to make a change I want to do it while I still have the energy and good health to take on the challenge
  • My spouse and I feel we can combine our skills to grow a substantial business
  • I need to be in control of my destiny

One step at a time. Your journey begins here.

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