Your Franchise Fast Pass® Quiz Results

Franchising may be in your future, but you might need to explore additional funding options.

I tell people all the time that you do NOT need to be a millionaire to own a franchise. With the variety of industries and types of businesses available, franchise opportunities have a wide range of investment levels (with those at the high end typically requiring significant overhead or real estate costs) and there are many well under a $250,000 investment.

However, franchise ownership does require an initial investment as well as working capital for startup and operating costs so you can grow your business. This makes it very difficult to succeed in franchising without at least $100,000 to invest.

The great news is that you do NOT need to have $100,000+ in your savings account before franchising becomes a possibility! There are a variety of options that can fund your new venture, including SBA loans and ROBS (Rollover for Business Startups) which allow you to use retirement funds to purchase a business. And if you are a veteran, there are even more resources available!

Get your free book or schedule a consultation when you're ready.

You can learn all about the various strategies I help clients use in my book, Your Franchise Fast Pass. Visit to order your copy today. Just pay shipping and I’ll send you the book for free (normally $14.95)!

And when you feel you’re ready and able to invest more, let’s talk! Click here to schedule a free consultation call with me if you feel you could realistically increase that investment right now.