What inspired Jim and Amy to make a career change?
Now both in their mid-50s, Jim found that business had dried up in the consulting world and Amy was ready to take on more as the kids were older. They had always talked about starting their own business together, and though it would have been convenient to say “It’s too late to start something new,” they both felt they had at least another 10 years of work ahead of them. They decided it was time to make the most of it!
What Were Jim and Amy’s Search Criteria for Finding the Right Franchise?
Jim and Liz were looking for something they could do together without having to hire outside help. They wanted a business that fit their personalities and would be scaleable, offering the opportunity to earn more as they worked harder.
Working with Liz gave Jim and Amy the opportunity to assess their skills and determine what would be a good franchise fit for their personalities. This helped them narrow down the list of possibilities to a more manageable set of options and have the confidence that they’d made the right choice based on personality fit. Talking to franchisees during the due diligence process further reaffirmed that they were making the right choice.
Advice for Anyone Else Considering Franchising
Get a franchise consultant like Liz! Don’t try to do it yourself. It’s too important of a decision!