The Cost of Choosing Security Over Freedom

If you’re serious about moving from the poor side of the Cashflow Quadrant to the rich side, you’ll have to take some risks. If you don’t, you’ll never get rich.

Are you ready?

Your habits dictate your success, and if you’re still stuck in that 9-to-5 mindset, your endeavors will fail. You must adopt an entrepreneurial mindset and start thinking the way the world’s top leaders do. Being an entrepreneur is very different than being an employee, and the way you envision it may be completely off base.

Ready. Set. Jump out of the mainstream

You may have worked for corporate America for decades just like most of us. Those were long years of pure and all too consuming stress that did not bring enough career satisfaction and a sense of well-being.

Life after layoff… meet joe!

Joe evaluated three different franchises simultaneously. The one that rose to the top of his list was a design-oriented franchise that specialized in providing window covering solutions to homeowners and businesses.

Business owner or 9 to 5 job?

First and foremost, deciding to quit your current job is a process and doesn’t happen overnight. It’s an emotional and professional process of finding your true self and understanding what you really want. Perhaps your hobbies or professional skills could be pursued in a rewarding career.